AI powering metaverse graphics

By juegoadmin | Metaverse Development | October 27th, 2022

How AI Will Help The Metaverse To Fulfill Its Promises?

In this world of fast-paced digitization, the fine line splitting out our virtual and physical lives surges to blur. This latest technologically advanced era introduces a ‘state-of-the-art’ technology called the metaverse, which promises to infuse these two realities under a unified roof.

However, what is this metaverse, and how can AI help with metaverse development services? In this article, you’ll learn about the infusion of the metaverse and AI and explore how AI can assist the metaverse in fulfilling its promises. So, read till the end.

An Overview of What Metaverse Is

Metaverse, as a totally different establishment, is the most popular, preferred, and vastly spoken technology in 2022. It comes with the capability to infuse both the digital and the physical realms together. People, especially tech enthusiasts, came to know about the word “Meta” after the tech giant and industry leader “Facebook” decided to change its name.

Today, estimates say that around $10 billion will be spent on technological innovations to shape its vision and deliver its promises. The fundamental value of the metaverse is providing a trustless and decentralized aid to ensure a motionless experience that gives rise to new business opportunities with ‘next-level’ social engagements.

Metaverse: What Does It Promise To Deliver?

Here are the key promises that metaverse aims to deliver in the following years:

  • Identity Verification: To verify and confirm the identity of all users, the metaverse leverages hi-tech blockchain technology. It ensures that only approved users with a permit can use the data.
  • ETPs: The local cryptocurrency of the metaverse could be utilized to make payments for services or goods or to incentivize AI apps to accomplish tasks.
  • Smart Contracts: It’s quite a known fact that the metaverse automates transactions by leveraging smart contracts. This is leveraged to develop a system where data gets transferred between two or more parties automatically or to develop a market for AI apps.
  • Decentralized Realm: The metaverse has emerged as an exceptional decentralized realm where one is in control and has access to one very own data. This data is damage-proof and secure as it’s stored and preserved on a distributed ledger.

Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In The Metaverse: How Can It Help Metaverse?

Regarding AI, it’s nothing but a branch of science and technology that looks after the development of smart machines and gadgets sufficient to complete and fulfill operations that typically require human intervention and intelligence.

To be more precise, when AI infuses the metaverse, it ensures the resoluteness of the metaverse framework. Besides that, it transmits feasible data into the topmost layers.

Artificial Intelligence For IT Operations (AIOps):

The fundamental role of AI is to assist the DevOps, SRE teams, and IT Operations to execute their tasks seamlessly. One of the popular crypto-based organizations named, Coinbase also mentioned in an interview that the platform responsible for authorizing and a the AI and metaverse must be the one that’s always expandable and active.

Here, AIOps will come in aid as they can effectively manage all infrastructure facilities, like communications, software, and hardware, in this arduous environment. Typically, machine learning and big data can automate some procedures like causality identification, anomaly detection, and event correlation.

To give the most appropriate insights, ensure the accessibility of these capabilities. These are ideal for the top levels and provide the infrastructure stabilization of the metaverse.

Immersive User Interfaces:

The metaverse promising to deliver immersive user interfaces has contributed to its increasing popularity today. Every Metaverse game development company leverages the power of AI to provide metaverse games with highly immersive user experiences.

Although it may enhance social engagements for some users, it may also be a big barrier for users unable to leverage this future digitized world. Besides that, individuals with not-so-good digital potentials and abilities can feel excluded from this new social experience.

This is why AI must play a key role in ensuring the easy accessibility of everyone to the new digital world – Metaverse – no matter their capabilities. A few pertinent technologies in this arena could be:

  • Automatic translation
  • Brain-computer interfaces
  • Image recognition for individuals with visual impairment or disabilities
  • Enhanced interactions with the digital world via intelligent exoskeletons

Intelligent Social Networking:

One of the fundamental aims of the metaverse is to enhance the overall social networking experience by authorizing digital personalization.

Although it will enable every user to encounter a unique digital world experience, it will also come with some risks or challenges. For instance, the safety and inclusion of children and minorities can be problematic. So, the question remains how can AI enhance the social networking experience in the metaverse?

Many efforts and practices are already in effect to ensure safer and more inclusive user experiences for children and minority groups on social networking platforms. Some of these include:

  • Content relevance evaluation for the minorities
  • Machine Learning Observability
  • Prevention of hate and abusive speeches
  • Prevention of bias via feature selection

Improved Smart Contracts:

Soon, the metaverse AI will devise a platform that can assure the seamless exchange of entitlements and digital assets. It will ensure zero intervention and disruptions from the tech-giant companies and assure the optimal protection of user ownership. However, many still wonder whether it will ever be possible. The answer can be described as under:

For example, a big brand like Adidas has introduced the world with its first edition of NFT. But the purchases were confined to only two individuals. This led to the sale being accomplished within a few seconds. The outcome led to a single individual buying 330 commodities under a single transaction. To an extent, this can be referred to as the future of virtual democratization.

There’s no doubt that power will be clasped from the organizations, but the apt question is who gets to hold power in their grasp: the people or the corporation houses? Although the probability is less, if so, only a confined section of individuals can access it. The reason is that only a limited number of people will have exceptional skills to redeem the benefits.

Such a layout will be set and outlined via the improved smart contracts, infusing artificial intelligence. Concerning this, the infrastructure details concerning the transactions in the AIOps section are beneficial in determining the ‘anti-democratic operations.’ Nevertheless, once the blockchain transactions are complete, they can’t be halted.


The metaverse is a digital platform full of potential and capabilities to revolutionize and change the virtual and physical worlds. AI can assist the metaverse in catching the pace to fulfill its promises by devising new products and services, enhancing smart contracts, and facilitating social networking to its fullest.

One effective way to leverage AI and get the most out of its food-making metaverse games is by hiring a game development company. One such prominent company that stays on top of the metaverse and AI technology implementation is Juego Studios.

No matter how complicated your requirements are, this company won’t fail to impress you. So, get started with your metaverse game development with them today!

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