E-learning app with Interactive Content

Hopster eBooks game screenshot
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  • Technologies: Cocos2d-x
  • Genre: Edutainment apps, Ebooks
  • Type: Free to use with in-app purchases

Hopster is a popular edutainment app that combines a variety of educational content for children including TV shows, educational games and e-learning apps. Juego Studios developed an Ebook for Hopster comprising three stories ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’, ‘Henny Penny’ and ‘The Enormous Turnip’ , each with 11-16 pages.

The Ebooks were designed with pictorial content, animations and sounds to create an interesting reading experience. We integrated subtle looping 2D animations throughout book to illustrate various aspects of the stories. Ambient background music, sound effects and voice overs were also added for each screen in the story.


  • Created for iOS & Android
  • 3 interactive stories
  • 11-16 pages with animations, sound effects & voice-overs
  • 3 languages: English(UK & US), French & Icelandic
  • 2 modes: Self-reading and voice over
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