United - Pushback

Training Simulation in Virtual Reality

Plane simulation games
  • Target Platform:  iPad, Pico VR 2
  • Game Engine: Unity
  • Art Style: 3D, Realistic

Pushback VR is a training simulation application that aids players in learning how to use a pushback vehicle. 

A pushback vehicle moves an aircraft while it is on the ground and stationery. The specialists use the vehicle to maneuver the aircraft around different locations within the airport and ensure the airline reaches the right locations.

In the simulation, the user has to push the plan to a specified location under the guidance of two wing walkers, whose instructions the user must follow. If the user fails to do so, then the simulation re-starts, and the user has to start from the beginning again.


  • Ten aircraft users can select from
  • Different push options with varying difficulty
  • Multiple weather conditions
  • CMS with features including the update and deletion of UIDs
  • Detailed user profile with performance stats
  • Integration of multiple camera views
  • Forced updates to restrict users to the newest app version
  • Companion iPad app for the inspectors to monitor trainee performance
  • Different sound effects for immersion and engagement
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