Riyadh Run Game

an endless runner mobile game

Riyadh Run game developed by Juego Studio
Platformer, Runner
Art style
3D, cartoonish
iOS, Android


It is a super-fun endless running game where you help the mischievous kiddo escape his father through Riyadh and Egypt and avoid punishment while collecting boosters on the way.



  • Unique Boosts: The run game features unique power-ups such as temporary flying abilities, speed boosts, coin multipliers, headstart boosters, and more. Attain the highest score when you judiciously use these boosters altogether.
  • Obstacle Course: To add the gameplay challenge, the players encounter obstacles like incoming cars, barricades, and so on. The obstacle courses get difficult and more frequent with increasing levels in the gameplay.
  • Leaderboard: The leaderboard integration lets players view where they stand in the competition. Players can also flaunt their progress among friends by logging into the game using different social media platforms.
  • New Locations: Our players can explore the streets of Riyadh and Egypt as of now. Dubai will be integrated soon with the platform to bring new environments, streets, and visuals to the players and offer them a new experience.
  • New Outfits: The game artists and developers have created unique skins and outfits that can be unlocked with coins or by leveling up through the game. Run around in the city wearing unique outfits that represent the arab culture and heritage.
  • Language And Cultural Adaption: The Riyadh Run game is primarily in the Arab language and highlights the unique cultural traits of the city. Immerse in the cultural richness as you explore the different locations in the gameplay.

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