Transfer VR - Measurement

Interactive Virtual Reality Training Simulation

Transfer vr Measuring
  • Target Platform: Oculus
  • Game Engine: Unity
  • Art Style: 3D, Realistic

Transfer VR -Measurement is a VR training simulation that teaches users how to measure the diameter of holes inside engines. 

A hole gauge finds the diameter of holes to assess size discrepancies that can lead to leakages and hazards. It is a vital step in quality assurance.

In the simulation, the user starts by wearing virtual safety gloves and goggles. Then they have to follow a step-by-step process that starts with selecting a hole gauge, inserting it into a machine, and then taking it out and measuring it using a digital caliper.


  • Multiple types of gauge measures
  • Point system to assess employee progress
  • Accurate 3D replications of machines and gauges
  • Sound effects are designed to aid the user through the learning process
  • Visual effects for better engagement
  • Integration of voiceovers
  • Immersive 3D environment
  • Persistent HUD that is accessible at all times
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