Real Time Strategy Game

  • Technologies: Unity3D, Photon MP
  • Genre: RTS game development
  • Type: Free to play

A real-time battle strategy game, Zombie Company Crusade(ZCC) is set in an apocalyptic world where players need to build up bases, train their army, build defensive weapons, upgrade abilities and finally lead troops to destroy the zombie horde. Players can choose to battle across levels in campaign mode or fight against each other in Arena mode.

ZCC incorporates rich military theme based graphics. All 2D and 3D assets had to be optimized for high performance on mobile devices. We also implemented high quality security features and custom recording systems to allow replay and sharing of battles. More details in our ZCC RTS Game Case Study.


  • Created for iOS
  • Campaign mode with challenging levels
  • Arena mode to play against friends
  • Multiplayer mode to join other players and and battle other companies.
  • Unique unlockable hero units and achievements
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