
By juegoadmin | top game development companies in austin | November 10th, 2022

A Comprehensive Guide To Blockchain Oracle and Its Work

In the early days of blockchain technology, there was a great deal of excitement and speculation about the potential applications of the new technology.

One area that generated a lot of interest was the concept of using blockchain to create “smart contracts.” These are contracts that can be automatically executed when certain conditions are met, without the need for manual intervention.

However, one challenge with smart contracts is that they often need to access data from the real world in order to function properly.

This is where blockchain oracles come in. Blockchain oracles are third-party services that provide external data to smart contracts on the blockchain. In this way, they act as a bridge between the decentralized world of the blockchain and the outside world.

Oracles are particularly useful for applications that need to track or record events that happen outside the blockchain. For example, a supply chain management application might use an oracle to track the movement of goods from one location to another. Or, a financial application might use an oracle to get real-time pricing data for various assets.

Keep reading as we explore the concept of blockchain oracles in more depth, including how they work, their benefits and applications, and some of the challenges associated with them. Additionally, you can also get to know about the top blockchain game development services providers.

How does Blockchain Oracle Work?

A blockchain oracle is a piece of software that connects a blockchain to the outside world. Oracles provide data to smart contracts on the blockchain, which then use that data to trigger certain actions.

For example, an oracle could provide real-time pricing data to a financial contract. When the price of an asset reaches a certain level, the contract could automatically buy or sell that asset.

In order for an oracle to work, it needs to be able to fetch data from external sources and then format it in a way that can be understood by the smart contract. This process is known as “data aggregation.” Once the data has been aggregated, it is passed to the smart contract in the form of an “event.”

Oracles are a layer of infrastructure that is similar to APIs, which are also used to fetch data from external sources. However, there are some important differences between oracles and APIs.

Differences Between Oracles and APIs

First, oracles typically provide data that is not available on the blockchain itself. For example, an oracle might provide real-time pricing data for a financial contract, whereas an API might provide data about the weather or traffic conditions.

Second, oracles are designed to work with smart contracts, whereas APIs are typically designed to work with traditional software applications. This means that oracles need to be able to format their data in a way that can be understood by the smart contract.

Third, oracles are usually provided by third-party services, whereas APIs are typically provided by the same company that owns the underlying data. For example, Amazon provides an API that gives developers access to data about its products and services. However, there is no equivalent “Amazon Oracles” service that provides this data to smart contracts.

Benefits of Using Blockchain Oracles

There are several benefits to using blockchain oracle:

  • Oracles can provide data that is not available on the blockchain itself. This makes them particularly useful for applications that need to track or record events that happen outside the blockchain.
  • Oracles can be used to trigger smart contracts automatically. This can save time and money by eliminating the need for manual intervention.
  • Oracles can provide data in real time, which is important for applications that need up-to-date information.
  • Oracles can be provided by third-party services, which means that they can be used with any type of blockchain.
  • Most importantly, oracles can help to make blockchain applications more user-friendly and accessible. This is because they allow users to interact with the application in a familiar way (e.g., via a web or mobile interface) without needing to understand the underlying technology.
  • Lastly, oracles can help to improve the security of blockchain applications. This is because they provide a way to verify data before it is added to the blockchain, which can help to prevent fraud and errors.

Challenges Associated with Blockchain Oracles

There are also some challenges associated with blockchain oracle:

  • Oracles can be a single point of failure for a blockchain application. This means that if the oracle goes offline, the application will not be able to function.
  • Oracles can be slow, which can cause delays in the execution of smart contracts.
  • It can be expensive, which may limit their use to large organizations or those with deep pockets.
  • Oracles can be difficult to configure and manage. This is because they need to be able to interact with both the blockchain and the external data source.

Types of Oracles

1. Software Oracles

Software oracles gather information from the internet and transmit it to the blockchain system. They help smart contracts by giving them real-time access to supply chain data.

2. Centralized & Decentralized Oracles

The distinction between decentralized and centralized oracles relates to control and power. Although an organization has the power and control over centralized oracles, it cannot manage and influence decentralized oracles.

3. Inbound & Outbound Oracles

Outbound oracles convey data created through the smart contract toward the physical realm, whereas inbound oracles use tools and resources from outside to offer data to smart contracts. An outward oracle would be something like a smart contract that sends updates when anyone transfers funds to their digital account.

4. Human Oracles

If people have the required industry knowledge, they can also serve as oracles. These oracles are engaged in research activities and validate the integrity of the information before the data is transmitted to the smart contracts.

Applications of Blockchain Oracles

There are several potential applications for blockchain oracle:

 Supply chain management: Blockchain oracles can be used to track the movement of goods through the supply chain. For example, an oracle could be used to automatically update the status of a shipment when it arrives at a new location.

Identity management: Blockchain oracles can be used to verify identity data (e.g., KYC information) before it is added to the blockchain. This can help to prevent fraud and improve the security of identity-related applications.

Financial contracts: Blockchain oracles can be used to provide real-time pricing data for financial contracts. For example, an oracle could be used to update the price of a stock when it changes on the stock market.

Insurance: Blockchain oracles can be used to automatically trigger insurance payouts when an event occurs (e.g., when a flight is delayed). This can help to improve the efficiency of the claims process.

Voting: Blockchain oracles can be used to verify that votes have been cast according to the rules of a smart contract. For example, an oracle could be used to ensure that only eligible voters are able to vote in an election.

Game Development: Blockchain oracles can be used in game development to track player progress and automatically update the game state. For example, an oracle could be used to award a player with a new weapon when they reach a certain level.

These are just some of the potential applications for blockchain oracles. As technology develops, we are likely to see even more innovative uses for these powerful tools.


Blockchain networks can reduce different system hazards and functional requirements by leveraging decentralized oracles.

Additionally, the growth of blockchain oracles will aid in offering people a protected, trustworthy, and reliable interface through which they can advance and expand within the distributed financial network.

Suppose you’re an individual or an entity who wants to leverage the power and technology of blockchain oracles to develop a revenue-generating blockchain game. In that case, it’s best to leave things to the professionals.

With the help of blockchain and NFT game development services from a top provider, you can get rid of all the hassles and intricacies involved. One such amazing game development company is Juego Studios.

With years of expertise and a high success rate in developing blockchain games, they surely are a worthwhile investment for your future development needs.

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