Comparison of P2P and P2E games

By juegoadmin | Game Development | December 9th, 2022

Pay-to-Play Games Vs. Play-to-Earn Games: Major Differences

When you think about video games, the first thing that comes to mind is probably how much fun they are. After all, what’s not to love about escaping into a virtual world where you can do whatever you want? But when you’re looking for a new game, there are two main types of games to choose from: P2P games and P2E games.

Both have unique benefits and drawbacks, so making the right choice can be a little tough. In this blog, we will discuss the significant differences between P2P games vs P2E games so that you can decide the best type of game for you.

Let’s get started.

What are Pay to Play Games?

Pay-to-play games, or P2P games, are video games that require the player to purchase a gaming console, the game itself in the form of discs and cartridges, and a subscription or membership to an online service. The player may also be required to purchase additional items, such as in-game currency and virtual goods.

These games often have higher-quality graphics and sound than free-to-play games, making them more attractive for gamers who enjoy playing high-quality titles. Some pay-to-play games also feature exclusive content that can only be accessed with a paid subscription or by buying the game itself.

Examples of popular pay-to-play games include the Call of Duty series, Grand Theft Auto V, FIFA 17, and Overwatch.

What are Play to Earn Games?

Play-to-earn games, or P2E games, have a unique economic model that combines entertainment and rewards. These games use blockchain technology to enable players to earn digital assets, such as cryptocurrency tokens or non-fungible tokens (NFTs), by playing the game.

The rewards are usually earned through a variety of activities, including competing against other players, completing missions and tasks within the game world, or exchanging virtual goods and items with other players. Examples of play-to-earn games include CryptoKitties, Spells of Genesis, and Steem Monsters.

The best part about P2E games is that all the earnings that you make in the game will have value outside of the game. Even if the game developer discontinues the game, the rewards that you have earned remain valid in the real world.

Most of the Metaverse game development company have caught on to this trend and are now offering their own P2E game versions.

Impact on the Gaming Industry

The emergence of pay-to-play and play-to-earn games has had a major impact on the gaming industry. For one thing, it has allowed gamers to monetize their gameplay by earning rewards that can be exchanged for real money or cryptocurrency tokens. This trend is driving more people to become interested in playing video games, as these games offer players both entertainment and an opportunity to make money.

In addition, the emergence of P2P and P2E games has made gaming more accessible. For example, many P2E games are free to play or require a minimum purchase to get started. This makes them attractive to those who may not have enough money or access to traditional consoles and titles.

Finally, the emergence of P2P and P2E games has been a boon for developers, who can now monetize their titles in new ways. Not only can they sell the game itself, but they can also offer players digital assets or in-game rewards that can be sold on exchanges. This allows developers to generate more revenue from their games and keep gamers engaged with frequent updates and content releases.

Metaverse is an example of a successful P2E game that has made an impact on the gaming industry. The game allows players to earn real-world rewards, such as cryptocurrency tokens or digital assets, through their in-game activities and interactions. With its success, Metaverse has set a new standard for what can be achieved in terms of monetization and engagement within the gaming community.

Difference Between P2P and P2E Games

When it comes to pay-to-play and play-to-earn games, there are several key differences to consider. The following are some of the key differences:

Game Ownership:

Pay-to-play games require the player to purchase a physical or digital copy of the game in order to gain access to it. Play-to-earn games, on the other hand, can be accessed for free or by making a minimum payment. Moreover, P2E games allow players to own their rewards, which may have real-world value.

Reward System:

Pay-to-play games usually require players to purchase additional items or content in order to progress within the game and achieve certain objectives. Play-to-earn games offer gamers tangible rewards for playing the game, such as cryptocurrency tokens or digital assets that can be exchanged outside of the game world.


As mentioned above, pay-to-play games typically offer higher-quality graphics and sound. However, P2E games offer something even better – the ability for gamers to monetize their gameplay and generate real returns from their gaming experience.

Asset Utilization:

Pay-to-play games require gamers to invest money upfront before they can enjoy the full experience of the game. With play-to-earn games, however, players can use their in-game assets (such as cryptocurrency tokens or digital assets) to purchase items or content that will help them progress within the game world.

Entertainment Factor:

P2P games tend to offer more intense and immersive experiences, while P2E games are usually more casual. For example, games like GTA V offers an intense, story-driven experience, whereas P2E games like that in the Metaverse offer a more relaxed environment for gamers to interact and have fun.


P2P games tend to be more advanced in terms of technology and graphics, with developers focusing on creating complex game worlds for players to explore. On the other hand, P2E games have adopted a different approach, as they utilize blockchain technology to allow players to own their digital assets and rewards.

Cost of Game Development:

Developing pay-to-play games is usually more expensive than developing play-to-earn games, as developers need to invest in creating complex game worlds and storylines. P2E games, however, require less investment from the developer as they focus on providing players with rewards that have real-world value.

However, it doesn’t mean they are ready to develop. In fact, P2E games are the future of gaming and require strong development skills to build a successful game.

The Bottom Line

There are multiple differences between P2P games vs P2E games regarding the types of rewards they offer players.

Pay-to-play and play-to-earn games offer gamers different experiences depending on their needs and preferences. While pay-to-play games usually require players to invest money upfront in order to access the full game experience, P2E games are free or require minimum payments, offering players tangible rewards that have real-world value. Furthermore, P2E games allow players to own digital assets and rewards which can be exchanged outside of the game world.

The choice of P2P vs P2E gaming is ultimately up to the game development company, but both have unique benefits for various gamers. When developing or selecting a suitable platform for your users, it is crucial to consider the type of reward system that works best for your game.

About Juego Studios

Juego Studios is a premier game development studio specializing in P2P (pay-to-play) and P2E (play-to-earn) games. They put in a lot of efforts to create a secure and fun gaming environment for players. Juego Studios has extensive experience developing high-quality online games that are entertaining and secure. They employ state-of-the-art blockchain technology to ensure transactions between players are safe and secure.

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