Factors of Mobile App Development

By Juegostudio | App Development | April 14th, 2020

5 Main factors of Successful Mobile App Development

Although it is always a satisfying experience to view something on a large screen like that of a desktop, laptop or even for that matter maybe a tablet, these devices still do not capture a huge share of the netizens market.

Smartphones have a far greater reach not only due to the fact that almost every human being on the planet owns one, but also because it offers portability and hence convenience. Mobile apps are an interesting way to keep customers or viewers engaged.

While it is definitely not good in terms of oral hygiene, as a matter of fact, more people have smartphones than toothbrushes. So what are the factors to make a successful mobile app development? 

The different app marketplace

The average time a common person spends browsing his or her mobile would be nearly about 4-5 hours a day with the figures shooting up especially for teenagers.

With such long times of online activity, it is not uncommon for most people to come across the different platforms on which apps exist.

After creating a mobile app successfully where to market for high interactions? With tons of apps catering to various niches such as education, entertainment, gaming, motivational and so on, the Google Play store and Apple App Store are the most popular platforms.

Some popular Android Apps

Be it socializing apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook or dating and matchmaking apps such as Tinder, the app market is constantly exploding with new apps being uploaded everyday.

While most of these apps are free for the basic version, there are apps for which the user would need to pay a premium. Gaming apps are also increasingly becoming popular. At Juego Studios, we offer different mobile app development solutions for businesses.

So what makes a mobile app successful?

The marketplace for mobile apps is overcrowded with a variety of applications with interesting designs and top of the trend features.

With a market saturation of this extent, it becomes a very difficult task for the mobile app developer to come up with a unique selling point USP for the app he or she is planning to come up with.

Although there are a lot of things to emphasize on to come up with a successful mobile app – one that is popular, yields good returns as well as is highly rated among users.

Top 5 Main Factors of Successful Mobile App Development:

1. User Interface Must Be Simple and Catchy

As a book is judged by its covers, an app takes seconds to a few minutes to create an impression. A catchy design is always a must for a successful app. However, many apps don’t make it to the top of the list due to the complexity that they plug into the UI.

A design that gets hold of your attention but fails to prove as simple to use, would eventually lead to a distasteful experience. For example, if your app does not display the right web elements – buttons, navigation menus and so on as per the dimensions of the display you are looking at, it becomes a frustrating experience.

An easy to follow navigation, simple UI yet not mundane is all it takes to create a first impression. At Juego, we have a team of experienced professionals, who use immersive VR technological solutions to create leading edge solutions as per your requirements.

2. High Performance and Load/Refresh Rates

Although this is not something all apps would need to worry about – any app which deals with a lot of data in the backend, high end graphics or has interconnections to other sources should prioritize this aspect.

Longer time to load up an image or a page you’re trying to view is an annoying experience to any user. Eventually, if your app fails to be efficient in terms of speed, it might repel users.

We, at Juego, have created applications which deal with maps and navigation thus entailing huge data striking the balance between efficiently loading up data in no time with the best precision.

3. Personalization has a multiplier effect

Personalization is being used by many successful companies and brands as a successful marketing strategy. For example, Netflix recommends personalized movies and series to its users or Amazon recommends personalized products to its customer base.

By making personalized apps, not only do you allow customers to be enthralled and feel special – you get into a long term relationship with them. Juego Studios is committed towards excellence through personalization. Come up with your specific business requirements and we would assist in creating a personalized winning solution.

Be it gaming, education, simulated games with the latest AR/VR technologies, we have a dedicated team equipped with all the latest in-demand tools and techniques to cater to your various business needs.

4. A continued and dedicated customer support

As with anything new a customer gets into, he or she may face problems. App users often land up into troubles either with regards to signing in or be able to use all the features in the best way.

Often they could suggest changes that could make the app experience better. Therefore, having dedicated customer support for your app always pays off to make it successful. We, at Juego, believe in a sustainable relationship with our clients. Our dedicated support is out there to ensure a hassle free customer handling experience even post mobile app development.

5. Fulfills customer’s demand

The most important metric in determining the success of your app would be to ensure it fulfills the demands of your customer. An app generally targets a sector, niche, or target audience and a lot of emphasis needs to be paid while devising the app so that your customers do not need to look elsewhere to get what they need.

Our team of developers, at Juego, put in a lot of whole hearted attention to detail and understand your needs before we start working on your requirements.

Ready to create an app now?

Development of mobile apps has come a really long way since its start and there are emerging technologies that make the app development process more and more agile. At Juego, we adhere to the best practices that ensure the app we develop for you stays at the top of the curve.

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