App Development Blogs

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What are dApps?: A Complete Guide to Understanding Decentralized Applications

What are dApps?: A Complete Guide to Understanding Decentralized Applications

Posted by Juegoadmin on Jan 02, 2023

Category : App Development ,

Blockchain technology has been gaining traction in recent years and is revolutionizing the way we think about digital systems. dApps (decentralized applications) are a key part of this new wave of technology, providing an alternative to traditional software applications. In the section below, we will discuss what are dApps, the types of dApp, and everything [...]

Eight salient reasons why startups should reckon HTML5 for mobile app development

Eight salient reasons why startups should reckon HTML5 for mobile app development

Posted by Juegoadmin on Sep 16, 2021

Category : App Development ,

Are you a startup focusing on mobile app development? Do you want to produce amazing mobile apps/games quickly? If yes, you must consider HTML5 for game development. HTML5 is often underrated. However, it’s one of the top languages for game and app development if you look closely. If you are willing to discover more, read […]

7 Essential Steps To Outsource App Development With Flying Colors

7 Essential Steps To Outsource App Development With Flying Colors

Posted by Juegoadmin on Jan 21, 2021

Category : App Development ,

Outsourcing app development can be quite helpful. You can get quality work done quickly and at lower costs. Unless you’re prepared well enough, this is still in the realm of impossibility. There are certain things you must remember though before planning to outsource app development services. The app developers must follow a process for successful […]

The Benefits of Developing a Hybrid App For Your Business

The Benefits of Developing a Hybrid App For Your Business

Posted by Juegoadmin on Aug 14, 2020

Category : App Development ,

You decide you want to create an application for your business. The first option you have in front of you is to go with native app development.   Under this form of app development, you develop your app separately for each platform you intend to release it in. For Android, you develop using Java and Kotlin. […]

How Mobile App Technologies Will Change the Healthcare System?

How Mobile App Technologies Will Change the Healthcare System?

Posted by Juegoadmin on Jun 24, 2020

Category : App Development ,

Mobile applications have changed the way we live. Instead of trying to do a million things, all you nowadays have to do is open an app and push a few buttons.  And ever since mobile apps entered the scene, almost every industry has undergone massive changes. Delivery applications, for instance, have taken over home food […]

5 Main factors of Successful Mobile App Development

5 Main factors of Successful Mobile App Development

Posted by Juegoadmin on Apr 14, 2020

Category : App Development ,

Although it is always a satisfying experience to view something on a large screen like that of a desktop, laptop or even for that matter maybe a tablet, these devices still do not capture a huge share of the netizens market. Smartphones have a far greater reach not only due to the fact that almost […]

Have an App Idea But Where Do I Start? Here’s An Action Plan

Have an App Idea But Where Do I Start? Here’s An Action Plan

Posted by Juegoadmin on Mar 17, 2020

Category : App Development ,

Having an app puts you up in a better place. We are living in an era that demands the requirement of an app. Whether iOS or Android, the digital presence over the store is equivalent to stepping up your occupancy in the race of being the best. In this case, you are at a better […]

Fun Photo Apps with AR

Fun Photo Apps with AR

Posted by Juegoadmin on Aug 28, 2019

Category : App Development ,

Add a dash of fun to your monotonous life by turning it into a game with just a touch of a button. Your phone’s camera allows you to efficiently unlock new learning with the help of Augmented reality (AR) apps that overshadows thrilling digital content above the real things, leave behind ghosts or change your […]

How Hybrid App Development is a Good Choice for Enterprises?

How Hybrid App Development is a Good Choice for Enterprises?

Posted by Juegoadmin on Oct 30, 2018

Category : App Development ,

In the realm of app development it goes without saying that native apps are the best when it comes to performance and making the best use of device capabilities. Cross platform apps on the other hand span over various platforms giving wide coverage for the apps developed. There are about 1.4 billion android devices, 1 […]

Top AngularJS Frameworks for Web App Development

Top AngularJS Frameworks for Web App Development

Posted by Juegoadmin on Sep 25, 2018

Category : App Development ,

HTML5 is the basic building block around which developers have created the entire web. They have created all those beautiful and elegant websites you visit upon HTML5 or its predecessors. But HTML5 has a few drawbacks. One particular one is that you can only use it to create static pages. In short, if HTML5 is […]

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