Top Angular JS

By Juegostudio | App Development | September 25th, 2018

Top AngularJS Frameworks for Web App Development

HTML5 is the basic building block around which developers have created the entire web. They have created all those beautiful and elegant websites you visit upon HTML5 or its predecessors.

But HTML5 has a few drawbacks. One particular one is that you can only use it to create static pages. In short, if HTML5 is the only thing around which developers had built websites, then the sites we visit won’t be as elegant and user-friendly as we know.

This elegance and user-friendliness are where frameworks like AngularJS come in.

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that was built by Google back in 2012. It is an open-source framework that you can use to build websites and various web-based applications.

It is primarily known for its usefulness in creating single-page websites, that is websites that can accomplish certain things without the need to refresh the page. This auto-load feature is a crucial factor in turning the web into a more interactive space.

You, too, can take advantage of AngularJS to create stunning and gorgeous websites with fantastic performance. To do this, you can use one of the several frameworks available on the market. Below, we list some of the most amazing ones:

Best AngularJS Frameworks


Ionic is the leading AngularJS framework in the world. Experienced AngularJS developers around the world have used the Ionic framework to create high-performance web applications for diverse needs.

The framework supports the creation and subsequent deployment of HTML5 and CSS based applications. 

Ionic also has an open-source SDK that experienced developers can modify according to their needs. This ability to alter the code allows experienced developers to take their web applications to the next level, creating interactive web experiences that otherwise might have been impossible.


Lumx is another popular AngularJS framework.

The notable thing about Lumx is that it allows developers to create web applications that adhere to Google’s Material Design guidelines. The material design is an acclaimed design language that you can use in the web and mobile application development sphere. It delivers a user-friendly experience as well as an elegant visual aesthetic. Using Lumx, developers can create excellent web applications that follow the same design aesthetic.

Lumx is also known for its support for plugin-less JQuery. This support ensures that the framework is capable of creating web applications that perform even higher than what would otherwise be possible.

Supersonic UI

SUPERSONIC UI is the first Hybrid App UI Framework. Supersonic UI used to build data-driven hybrid mobile applications with real native performance  and highly interactive interface. Backend data interaction is simple, as it’s easy to integrate with multiple native APIs. If you intend to develop API powered applications for iOS and Android then you should thinks of using supersonic framework.

Suave UI

Suave UI framework is especially good for web application development with AngularJS. For the purpose of building a variety of web based UIs, AngularJS and Suave UI has  CSS definitions, directives and services which is capable for the job.
Font Awesome and Animate.CSS provide icons and CSS animations respectively and are included in bundle files. Hence they needn’t be used separately in the project.

Using a simple command like

bower install suave-ui –save
one is enabled to add Suave components

Angular UI 

Angular UI is a framework that is built on top of one of the most used front-end development frameworks in the world: Bootstrap. 

For those who are unaware, Bootstrap is a renowned front-end based design framework used to create web and other applications, by developers around the world. Angular UI has the same Bootstrap components written in AngularJS.

Angular UI, though, is now feature-complete and is not actively developed. The good news, however, is that it does have an amazing and supportive community that would benefit both beginners and experienced AngularJS developers alike.

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is an AngularJS framework that is particularly renowned as an excellent framework for creating hybrid mobile applications.

The highly-advanced framework provides various essential mobile components like switches, overlays, sidebars, etc., which mobile application developers can use to create high-performance mobile applications.

It is also particularly beneficial for bringing existing mobile applications to the desktop. Mobile Angular UI will make sure this transition is as seamless as possible.


It comprises of constituent technologies like MongoDB, expressJS, AngularJS and NodeJSwhich forms a full stack. The framework has the potential to build powerful web applications as it has pages with dynamic functions.


It is regarded as an efficient NodeJS end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications built on top of WebDriverJS. For the purpose of interacting with the application this framework uses native events and browser specific drivers. It has Angular specific locator strategies which enables one to test Angular specific elements without any setup. The user needn’t worry about syncing the test and webpage as protractor automatically executes the subsequent step in the test when the webpage finishes pending tasks.


It is an HTML5 video player for AngularJS. It has not support for flash which makes the code easy to maintain. There is no need of JSON objects and config files as one can write plain CSS for creating their own theme. It is a framework popular for building video apps and hence there is support for having multiple media files inside a video player and has the ability to manipulate all of them.  

Angular Foundation

Foundation is a well-known front-end development framework that is used for creating responsive designs for web and mobile. Angular Foundation is a port of Angular Bootstrap for use in the Foundation network.

The framework provides developers with a set of AngularJS directives based on Foundation’s markup and CSS. It also offers native AngularJS directives that do not depend on either JQuery or Foundation’s JavaScript.

The Angular Foundation framework also supports several components from the Foundation like Split Buttons, Reveal Modal, Dropdowns, Joyride, etc., which makes the development process easier for developers.

Onsen UI

Onsen UI is an open-source framework based on PhoneGap/ Cordova.  It can be used for creating both websites as well as hybrid mobile apps.

An exciting feature of the framework is that it provides a rich set of ready to use UI components. Besides, it also offers optimized performance for animations, so that it works well on a wide range of devices.


Building a web app from scratch with AngularJS. There have been continual developments in the AngularJS framework. Currently there are talks about version 6 of the AngularJS. Parallely there has been improvements in the frameworks that house AngularJS code and let the developers achieve what they want. Ionic may be the most common framework but there are other frameworks which are specifically designed for a certain purpose. Each framework has its own functionalities, features and UI components and it is prudent to choose that framework which best suits your requirements.

Get in touch with us with your requirements and we’ll get back to your as soon as possible.

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