Women empowerment in web3 gaming world

By juegoadmin | nyc gaming companies | October 11th, 2022

How Worldwide Web3 Games are Making a Difference in Women Participation

We all talk about how worldwide web3 is spreading and how women participation has become crucial for every single industry to make more opportunities for females.

But in the gaming industry, there is a huge misconception. Most people think that “Female Gamers” don’t exist in the real world. But that’s not true! There are many female gamers who have established themselves as popular figures in the gaming industry.

To level up women empowerment in this field, many gaming companies have planned to utilize Web 3.0 to obliterate gender barriers and allow females pursue their passion of gaming.

Web3 Breaking Down The Barriers For Female Gamers Worldwide

As reported by Cointelegraph, a recent study by the Entertainment Software Association found that 48% of American gamers are female. Additionally, about half of all players globally are women, according to reports.The level of enthusiasm that women have demonstrated in the multibillion-dollar gaming sector is noteworthy.

This, along with the massive expansion that the GameFi sector anticipated, has been a significant driving force behind the creation of several web3 game development that is especially geared toward female gamers.

Play To Earn Web3 Gaming

According to Beryl Chavez Li, co-founder of Yield Guild Games, a global play-to-earn gaming community, female participation in blockchain-based games like Axie Infinity has witnessed a whopping growth in worldwide.

She projected that more women would delineate interest in play-to-earn games, even though the current statistics are not in favor.

Relation Between Finance and Web3 Gaming

Yat Siu, co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands, also discussed the relationship between finance and web3 game development with Cointelegraph.

He claimed that over time, this would naturally attract people from different backgrounds to the area highlighted by Cointelegraph.

Nevertheless, he believes that women, in particular, will be drawn because of the growing need to become financially stable and independent. This is specifically true in developing countries where women control a substantial portion of microfinance and, more specifically, microlending.

Digital Evolution of web3 games Worldwide

The Fashion League advisory board member Chavez Li remarked that many Web3.0 games lack vision and focus on first- and third-person shootings instead. She said that the Fashion League encourages people to create digital products that could eventually evolve into sellable NFTs in the metaverse.

They are empowering the creator economy with a fun game. As more users will join, the more points they will get. According to her, the in-game currency could be exchanged for tokens that could be converted to fiat currencies.

Chavez Li said that social interaction and competitiveness between players might take place during events like fashion shows, giving the game a competitive element. Cross chain functionality in web3 creating more flexible game environment for gamers around the world.

Web3 Video Games Have Features That Appeal To Women

Worldwide many web3 game development companies develop games to capture the attention of female viewers. One such free play-to-earn mobile game is Vogue League, which enables users to create their very own fashion empire.

Web3 Games Providing NFT

According to Theresia Le Battistini, CEO and founder of Vogue League, the game enables users to create digital clothing lines that can later be purchased as nonfungible tokens.

Video games on the Worldwide Web3 must be inclusive. NFTs of famous brands can use the game to show digital goods.

Le Battistini stated that Vogue League offers safe options that are innately fascinating to encourage female involvement. According to her, women enjoy playing mobile video games since there is a minimal entry barrier.

According to recent data, 62% of people install a game on their smartphone within a week of proudly possessing it. These statistics also reveal that the current gender split in mobile gaming is 49% for men and 51% for women.

Women Centric Themes & Designs are Key Factors

According to a survey by The Feminine Quotient, women-centric themes, visually appealing graphic designs, and interactiveness are key factors in luring girls to the worldwide Web3 home.

BlueberryXWorld was developed exclusively by female designers and builders, like Vogue League. While McDuff is known for saying that everyone can enjoy sports, she feels that this component ensures that female artists can have their opinions acknowledged.

The meta avatars have stretch marks, love handles, and all the other characteristics that make them look more human and realistic.

In addition, McDuff noted that the game’s central theme of the community would undoubtedly appeal to girls: “Players can stop by the café to grab a drink and interact with one another. It won’t come as a surprise to see women in worldwide web3 companies creating strong, tight-knit groups because they have a natural talent for doing so.”

Importance of Player Participation

One of the key components of the web3 companies games, according to Lenny Pettersson, chief operating officer of Antler Interactive, a mobile game firm with headquarters in Sweden and acting CEO of “My Neighbor Alice,” is player participation and in-game contacts.

According to Pettersson, the game enables players to accumulate resources to construct an archipelago jointly. In the game’s Discord channel, Pettersson said that player cooperation has already been obvious as they send images and notes describing, for instance, the finest places to fish.

Given this level of civic engagement, Pettersson said that conventional games that have been well-liked by a female target audience served as a significant source of inspiration for My Neighbor Alice. He mentioned the importance of the art style as one example. It’s intentional for the artwork to have a bright, fun, fairytale-like aesthetic.

Better representation is essential, but aesthetics, personalization, and community building are aspects of drawing women to Web3.

Basketball and Web3, unfortunately, both face the issue of the underrepresentation of female users, according to Marcus Bläsche, CEO and co-founder of Rumble Kong League (RKL), a game that combines basketball, play-to-earn, and NFTs. Bläsche told Cointelegraph that RKL faces this issue as well.

Bläsche said that to address this, RKL has joined forces with Round 21, a sports brand that focuses on community and collaboration and is managed by women.

Will Games Boost Women’s worldwide for Web3 Participation?

All things considered, it’s still challenging to predict whether web3 games targeted for women empowerment would truly lead to more participation.

Nevertheless, Petterson pointed out that it would be adequate to state that top-notch Web 3 games targeted at women will have an effect on attracting more women to the industry: “The initial “Web2″ video games were created with boys and men in mind. More and more games for girls and women have been created throughout the years.”

In light of this, he thinks the web3 companies are already aware that women enjoy games and want to participate, placing a greater emphasis on this gender group. Pettersson noted that it would be challenging to gauge the true impact these games will have.

Web3 Gaming Industry is Still Developing

Games are becoming less gender-specific, and Maietta said Web3 has the chance to build inclusivity into its culture intentionally. Despite being noteworthy, it’s crucial to remember that the Web3 game industry is still developing.

As a result, several professionals in the field think developers are currently more concerned with expanding the ecosystem than with inclusivity. According to Olga Ivanova, content and community manager at Spielworks, a blockchain-based gaming platform, Web3 game developers are more focused on “building solid in-game economies and improving the game design to at least the AAA quality.”


This article is all about Web3 games incorporating features to drive female participation and web3 companies. If you are new to this topic and want to know about the interest of female players in gaming, then this article is for you.

Juego Studios as Web3 Game development Company

Juego Studios provides end-to-end solutions in native and cross-platform for those looking to hire App, game development companies competent in Unreal game development, Unity3D game development, PlayCanvas, blockchain game development, and specialized in game design, VR, NFT, and metaverse & solutions.

We enjoy and consider it a privilege to work with such a wide variety of technology initiatives, brands, and companies. Fortune 500 companies, small and medium-sized organizations, solopreneurs, and startups are all clients of our game studio.

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