Character from a Multiplayer game

By Juegostudio | Game Development, Mobile Game Development, News | November 18th, 2014

Multiplayer game development for mobiles

Even when you are playing in your backyard, you need an another player to keep the play fun. When comes to gaming, it is always a fun blast playing a multiplayer games rather than solo games. Now the technology is uniting the world on one platform, same way multiplayer game development revolutionized the gaming dimensions by uniting couple of players to take part in one game.

Now a days mobile usage is going beyond limit and people are finding more fun in playing games on their mobile device rather than computers. Ever since the  competition in gaming group very large in market. Players would like challenge, beat the score of his/her social friend’s etc.

In Juego Studios we found a better solution to build multiplayer game for mobiles, online and desktop platforms, which are fun and entertains to the user. We match the player & his friends to play games on real time. We tried with various multiplayer service provider SDKs, and selected few best of them to make robust and flexible multiplayer game.

We used uLink from “Much Different” to make most of our multiplayer PC and console games. Since it gives more flexibility and security for MMO games via internet and LAN.  We optimised our code by pushing the uLink and Unity limits to run game in low bandwidth condition as well, by keeping the same gameplay quality.

Photon Realtime plugin from “PUN” we used for the mobile games, since it is very light weight and runs better even in mobile courier networks. Even though it supports few number of players to play the game in real-time, it gave us very good base to make better multiplayer.

The conclusion is, even though SDKs changes day by day, the core technology and algorithms are just improving to make the games more realistic and entertaining each one of us.

We are have created multiplayer games with html, android based games, ios based games and online games. Check our Gaming portfolio for more details

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