flutter app development

Flutter App Development Company

We build beautiful and natively compiled Flutter applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms

We are experienced, cross-platform mobile application developers who develop using Flutter, Google`s UI Toolkit. We know how to use Flutter to develop and deploy apps that support multiple platforms using a single codebase. 

Over the years, the Flutter developers at Juego Studios have developed applications for platforms including Android, iOS, Web, and Windows. We have worked on projects of different natures, for clients from various industries.    

We create highly scalable and customized solutions based on customer needs. 


Talented Team of Flutter App Developers:

We are fully equipped to develop any type of application or solution as per your requirement. Our developers have expertise working on projects of all kinds, from custom app development to app migration. 

Seamless Deployment:

Using the advanced features of the Flutter app development platform including the hot reload feature, our developers can help deploy your application on time, in all the platforms you choose.

User-Friendly Applications:

At our company, Flutter app developers create user-friendly applications that place the user first. Your app will deliver optimized and consistent performance for all. 

Delivered to Your Satisfaction:

Our team will engage with you from day one to deployment to make sure your product is delivered as you envisioned. Our team will also, give you a demo after each sprint to ensure everyone is on the same page. 

Top-notch UI/ UX Designers and Developers:

Our UI/UX designers and developers can create flexible and user-centric applications. The custom designs we create will deliver a seamless and intuitive end-user experience, across all platforms.

Consistent Performance Across Platforms:

Our developers use Flutter’s widgets to make your application deliver a smooth experience across all platforms, while also accounting for platform-specific nuances at the same time.

Testing to Ensure Quality:

Our team performs tests regressively, to make sure your applications work on all major platforms, at the best performance. 

Maintenance and Support:

We provide tailor-made post-deployment support and maintenance services based on individual customer requirements. You can avail both technical and operational support based on SLA, at our Flutter mobile app development company. 


What our clients have said about our services over the years and who they are

Vaibhavi Parikh

General Manager, Erosnow Games

We partnered with Juego Studios for the development of Munna Michael, a Bollywood based game & they did a terrific job. Our main concern was to develop a good game within specific timelines and they delivered a quality product. They also help us with theme/event-based updates on a regular basis.

Mathew Butler

Mobile Center of Excellence , IEEE

I want to reach out Juego Team and thank you for all the great work on the SSCS mobile application. Its been a pleasure working with Juego Studios on this project and looking forward to partnering with team again in the future.


Game developers team



Mobile User Interface


Apps & Games

Game development Growth


Years in Market

CRM in Game development




Poptropica arcade game



Crazy cannon game



Synchrony game developed by Juego Studio



Bubbleshooter game developed by Juego studio




What is the Flutter app development?

Flutter is the newest open-source User Interface (UI) framework that enables developers to create from a single codebase native mobile and multi-platform apps. Google has built this Flutter app, and this framework allows developers to build both Android and iOS apps with one programming language from a single codebase. Dart is the programming language of Flutter, and it focuses on front-end development. Flutter app development builds apps for any screen and helps Flutter app developers in achieving greater efficiency by streamlining their process.

Flutter is an excellent framework for building cross-platform apps, and this Google-built framework has a few components: Software Development Kit (SDK) and a Widget-based UI Library. SDK helps developers build their applications as it is a collection of tools, and they can compile their code into native machine code. Widget-based UI Library has different UI components like sliders, text inputs, and buttons that can be reused. Here are more details about Flutter app development described below:-

➢ One can develop various kinds of apps in Flutter, which is the best option for building web-based and desktop interactive apps. Furthermore, if you want to create 2D cross-platform apps to be made available on Android and iOS mobile devices, then also Flutter is the best option to choose. Several companies across the world, like Uber, Airbnb, Alibaba, Yandex, and many more, are using Flutter as one can build any cross-platform app using it.

➢ To get into more detail, Flutter creates apps for sectors such as retail, fintech, suppliers & franchisees, and large businesses. It would be a waste to build separate retail apps for Android & iOS as both require the same features and look. Many top-notch and other banking sector companies choose Flutter for their apps as it’s much safer than native ones. Flutter app development has become so crucial as it cannot be reverse-engineered. The apps built with Flutter can also use security technologies like a fingerprint scanner, FaceID, and Touch ID.

➢ Some of the popular apps that have been built using Flutter are Google Ads, Alibaba, Grab, Google Pay, Realtor.com, and many more. Marketers can manage Google ad campaigns directly from their smartphones when the apps are built with Flutter. Alibaba chose Flutter as their preferred cross-platform solution, one of the world’s biggest eCommerce platforms. Flutter allows Google Pay to be secure, bug-free, and responsive. Local businesses can add

menu items, manage orders, and view earnings in a popular food delivery app like Grab, built with Flutter. Many people can find their dream homes in a real-estate app like Realtor.com, which is made with Flutter.

➢ There are several advantages of using Flutter to build applications owing to its amazing features. The unique feature of Flutter allows developers to create both Android & iOS apps using the same code, thereby saving time, resources and improving productivity. Any Flutter app development company with their Flutter app developers create mobile apps without using a lot of code, making the process easy and simple with better performance. There are also lower costs involved in using Flutter to build apps.

How can I choose the best Flutter app development company?

It is an excellent idea for startups or companies to use Flutter for software development. One can also consider using Flutter when your budget is limited, when you need a mobile app quickly for both Android & iOS, and when there aren’t platform-specific features required. Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework with which one can build Android & iOS mobile apps from a single codebase. Its software development kit is powered by Google, due to which it is open-source and is available for free. So selecting the right company for Flutter app development services is not easy.

Here are some of the factors to consider while choosing the best Flutter app development company if you plan to hire Flutter app developers for your next digital product, described in detail below:-

Understand your organization’s needs and budget:-

Firstly, one must analyze the development platform required and understand the objectives. One must know what business one wants, and the digital product one needs. What outcome one expects with the app to be built? What features should be included in your Flutter application?

So one must be aware of and be well-versed in these technical requirements. Then, it’s time to create a work plan and choose specialists whose skills & experience are suitable for your project and collaborate with them. It’s crucial for a Flutter app development company that you choose to know your budget limit, and hence one must decide on how much one wants to spend on this & establish a budget. One must understand that software costs will vary depending on your project requirements.

Go through your contacts & internet platforms:-

It is always advisable to check your contacts who have worked with software development partners who can be of great help to give you timely information. Also, do check out some internet platforms such as Techreviewer or Clutch that will list the top Flutter app development companies. It’s up to you to verify when you find an interesting choice to select from the list.

Assess the technological stack of the company you choose to work with:-

Before finalizing a company, one must check out what different technologies the company works. A company can offer you many possibilities only when it has worked on a variety of mobile apps and also helps you choose the best tech stack for your digital product.

It’s essential to check for the firms who have earlier worked on a similar project like yours. So when selecting the right company, technology selection plays a key role. Choose the app developers who worked in iOS, Android, and Flutter.

Do look at the company’s reviews & portfolio:-

Get into the details of the portfolio of the Flutter app development company you choose to work with. By looking at the portfolio, one must be able to assess the company’s project ideas, business areas, technical skills, and many more factors.

It is an easy way to find a firm that understands your product and meets your needs. You can get a sense of their skillset and expertise as you check their case studies. Ratings and reviews will also give you an idea of the skills you are looking for.

How much does it cost to develop a Flutter app?

There are multiple factors that affect the cost of developing a Flutter app, and here the factors are described in detail below:-

Features of the Flutter app:-

There are several crucial components to be included in the features category for a Flutter app development. These components heavily influence the app’s functionalities, which affects the cost. If the features are simple, the price will be minimal, and if the features are complex, the cost will be high.

Some features that must be included in your application are:- A Search Option, Location Maps, a User-Friendly Responsive Interface, Data Caching, Chat Support/Call Back Function, Payment Gateways Integration, Multi-Factor Authentication, and Multi-Device Synchronization. The cost will be high with the inclusion of all these sophisticated features in the Flutter app development by Flutter app developers.

The Complexity of the Flutter app:-

With an application’s complexity, the cost to design a Flutter application increases. Several elements impact a Flutter app’s complexity and which are:- Model for deployment architecture, Tools for Third-Party Integration, Admin panel development, The capacity of a Flutter application to utilize a device’s built-in features, Integration with older systems as well as other hardware devices, and Incorporating technology such as Blockchain, AR, AI, IoT, and many such.

The Layout of the Flutter app:-

A layout of the Flutter application is a configuration that facilitates the visual presentation of the User Interface (UI). The cost of developing a Flutter app correlates directly with the design you wish to create for your consumers. Some of the primary cost aspects that affect the app’s layout are:- Layout complexity, Animation content, User-Flutter developer interaction, and Visual material.

Server Space Rent:-

A weak server will always result in longer user response times and slower application performance. If user data is lost, it will be due to defective servers. If your Flutter app development requires processing and storing user-generated data, one must consider integrating server space rent in the cost calculation for Flutter mobile app development.

App Category for your Flutter App Development:-

Based on the sort of app you want to create for your business, the cost calculation of developing a Flutter app depends heavily on this. There are mainly three primary forms of applications in the market and which are:-

Dynamic Apps – The dynamic applications rely on real-time access and server-side execution for a better user experience. Some instances of active applications are Facebook, Instagram, and other social media apps.

List Display Applications – The users may view and interact with various data objects in these applications by making multiple or single selections.

Games – There are many sophisticated features like 3D visuals, AI-enabled functions, high-resolution animation, and many more in a game application.

Design of an app:-

What first draws the public’s attention to an app? It is the design of an application because the users will show more interest only when an app is designed to be free-flowing and spontaneous. Some fundamental design elements that influence the cost of developing Flutter apps are:- Images, colors, animation, design complexity, interactive representation, and amount of displays.

Along with the above, the factors like backend development, integration, app release price, maintenance, and support also affect the cost.

What is the time taken to develop an app on Flutter?

There is no specific time to develop an app on Flutter as it depends on several constraints, such as functionality, design, and the number of human resources involved. The complete process of Flutter app development begins with planning until the launch of the application.

Every stage needs proper attention and different time slots. It is clearly understood that apps with different sizes, features, designs, and functionality require specific app development time. There is an advantage with Flutter as it structures the app for iOS & Android platforms simultaneously and generates a build for both separately. There are several factors that decide the time taken to develop an app on Flutter and are described in detail below:-

Conduct proper research and outline your ideas:-

Developing new ideas using proper R&D is the first step in the app development process. Once you plan your ideas with standard research – this process does affect the time to develop an app. One must target the right audience for the app at the initial stage. In researching the app, one must gather enormous information about the competitors and potential threats. Such information will help the app owners to understand the consequences after the app is published. This entire process is time-consuming as one must be able to get their app strategies & target audiences.

Good Planning:-

As one gets to know about the market, one needs to do a structured planning that includes the configuration of the app, features in the app to be added, and the features should not complicate the app or slow it down. Moreover, the components in an app must be convenient for users with the inclusion of basic features like sharing buttons, search bar, login, profile, and many such. Planning all these takes time, and hence more time will take to build an app.

Design & Validation:-

Preparing the whole design and wireframe of the app takes around one to two months as the design is used for testing various aspects of an application.

Finally, the design prototype and wireframe decide if users enjoy using the features, whether they find it easy or difficult to navigate the application, etc., helping businesses understand whether their app design will work for them or not to attract their target audience.

Process of Development:-

In this stage, UI, Front End, and Back End are the three elements that need to be built. With all the planning done, designers and developers will start working on an app. As users like visually appealing apps more, UI is quite important for an app. The Frontend is about what and how users see & act in an app, whereas Backend is about connecting UI with the system and enhancing the app’s functionality.

Frontend work includes UI design, Wire-framing, Frontend logic, Synchronization, Caching, UI development, etc. Backend work includes User management, Data storage, Data integration, Service-side logic, Versioning, etc.

Testing and Fixing Error:-

Flutter app developers will be doing the test runs after development is finished. The app might have some bugs to be fixed that are related to functionality and UI. Every error must be sorted before the final launch.

In this way, all these factors determine the time taken to develop an app on Flutter.

Can you convert an existing app into Flutter?

There is an advantage with Flutter apps as they look great, run fast, and are completely functional on all major mobile platforms. Google’s Flutter has allowed companies to leverage Flutter with their native app, as there is no need to write the whole codebase in Flutter again.

One can convert their existing iOS or Android app to Flutter quickly. It is possible with the add-to-app functionality, and Flutter released this feature in 2019. With this functionality, one can embed the complete Flutter app or parts of the app into an existing Android/iOS app. Without compromising on performance, one can easily migrate their iOS/Android app into Flutter. So here below is explained the whole process of how to convert an existing app into Flutter:-

➢ One needs to hire good programmers, and hiring Flutter app developers will avoid many mistakes. Do integrate Flutter as a module or library. The module is significant as it reflects the application’s User Interface (UI). Using the Flutter create-t module command, one can create a module. Finally, it will initiate a new project creation with a different structure. One can separate the main code from the Flutter code by creating a module in this way, as the module acts as an external dependency.

➢ Here are a few steps to add Flutter to an existing Android application:-

1. Firstly open the existing project

2. Then add a new Flutter module wizard

3. Now use Flutter Android APIs

4. Finally, build and run it

5. It’s time to attach and hot reload

So converting your existing application into Flutter is now an easy process.

➢ There are certain things for us to notice and understand that Flutter allows when integrated into Android apps, and they are:-

1. To auto-build and import the Flutter module, one can add a Flutter SDK hook to their Gradle script

2. One can also build their Flutter module into a generic Android Archive (AAR) if one feels like integrating the Flutter module into their own build system

3. To start and continue your Flutter environment independently, one can use FlutterEngine API

4. To co-edit Android and Flutter app development projects in Android Studio, the module import/creation wizard allows you to do it. It also supports apps that are built with Java & Kotlin

5. Flutter plugins are integrated into the preexisting platform

➢ Here are a few steps to add Flutter to an existing iOS application:-

1. Firstly open the existing project

2. Then add a new Flutter module wizard

3. Now install the CocoaPods

4. Now use Flutter iOS APIs

5. Finally, build and run it

6. It’s time to attach and hot reload

So converting your existing application into Flutter is now an easy process.

➢ There are certain things for us to notice and understand that Flutter allows when integrated into iOS apps, and they are:-

1. To auto-build and import the Flutter module, one can add a Flutter SDK hook to their CocoaPods

2. One can also build their Flutter module into a generic iOS Framework if one feels like integrating the Flutter module into their own build system

3. To start and continue your Flutter environment independently, one can use FlutterEngine API

4. It also supports iOS apps, Swift, and Objective-C

5. Flutter plugins are integrated into the preexisting platform

Hence the application developed using Flutter looks more crisp and accurate. So take the help of Flutter app developers for your Flutter app development.

What are the main benefits of outsourcing Flutter Development Services?

Businesses must partner with Flutter app development companies and should outsource Flutter development services to get a full suite of Flutter services. Outsourcing has various benefits as Flutter is a fantastic toolkit for creating apps on multiple platforms, making your Flutter apps productive and high quality. Outsourcing Flutter services can also assist you in delivering a consistent experience, reducing the amount of time & effort of companies. It will lessen the time spent on mitigating risks and correcting errors in UI or security. Here are some of the reasons and advantages of choosing Flutter app development company for outsourcing described in detail below:-

Applications will be developed quickly:-

One most important advantages of outsourcing Flutter services in the form of a company or a Flutter developer is using a single code base, Flutter makes developing cross-platform iOS & Android apps easy. It means the process removes the need to write multiple codes so that the software can work on different operating systems. In addition, it helps the developers to focus on the further steps to release the app, allowing faster app creation and saving time.

Testing efforts are reduced:-

The reason it takes less time is that when you develop an app with Flutter, there is no need to hire a developer to test the app’s performance on two different platforms; the only thing you need is to test one version of your app with QA professionals.

Costs are also reduced:-

One can also build their app at a lower cost, as native apps are costly for companies. Moreover, in the case of a native app, developers must code for multiple systems to create one application. But Flutter allows you to develop applications quickly that run flawlessly on multiple platforms helping you reduce app maintenance costs.

User experience is top-notch:-

To build applications, Flutter app development involves using pre-made widgets, and Flutter’s widgets are far more efficient than controllers, views, and layouts. It is an easy-to-use development process and allows consistent object structure. In Flutter development, everything you touch is a widget, and these widgets are also combined to make more complicated layouts.

Flutter’s excellent interface of any complexity:-

Flutter allows customization of everything on the screen, which is more challenging to create with native platforms. In addition, flutter tools make it easy to create popular realistic images without increasing application load, and one can manipulate color, shape, crop, transform, or shadows with the tool.

Option of easy plugins:-

Flutter app development services are more accessible, faster, and more efficient as developers have many options to create apps using the Flutter framework. It is why Flutter app developers are crucial, and a partnership with a Flutter app development company allows you to make faster & efficient apps.

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