Facebook Games Development Blogs

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Cost to Develop an iPhone, iPad, Android or Facebook Game

Cost to Develop an iPhone, iPad, Android or Facebook Game

Posted by Juegoadmin on Jul 14, 2013

Category : Android Game Development , Facebook Games Development , iOS Apps & Games , iPhone Game Development ,

Mobile Game Development Costs Most of you pay $1 or $3 to download some mobile games from iTunes or Play store. The question may arise how much does it cost to develop any game. With the recent growth of smartphones and social networking apps, the use of mobile games and social games are also increasing […]

Why Facebook Games are So Popular

Why Facebook Games are So Popular

Posted by Juegoadmin on Apr 28, 2013

Category : Facebook Games Development ,

Facebook survey reveals that there are more than 1.86 billion active users in Facebook with 17% increasing rate in every year. The survey also includes, “There are 1.15 billion mobile daily active users (Mobile DAU) for December 2016, an increase of 23 percent year-over-year and particular in Europe, 307 million+ people are on Facebook.” This […]

Juego Beginning a New Era with Facebook Games Development

Juego Beginning a New Era with Facebook Games Development

Posted by Juegoadmin on Mar 29, 2013

Category : Facebook Games Development ,

Dethroning the existing game apps-Is Juego Studios beginning a new era in Facebook Games Development. The success lies in the details and wide ranging of platforms it can contribute its immense talent to. A Game Development Studio can cut the throats of its own portfolio by developing competitive games over and over again. With Google, […]

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