How to Plan the 2D Animation Budget for Video Games?
2D animations are flat structured, creating the illusion of movement on the two-dimensional surface. They appear to lack depth and their movements are limited to up, down, left, and right.
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2D animations are flat structured, creating the illusion of movement on the two-dimensional surface. They appear to lack depth and their movements are limited to up, down, left, and right.
The gaming industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving industries worldwide. As games become increasingly popular, more and more people from different cultures and backgrounds are playing them. This has made it necessary for android game developers to localize their games in order to reach a wider audience. In the section below, […]
A video game world is an expansive and often fantastical place, where players can explore different dimensions that are often unrelated to our own. In many cases, the creators of a video game world take great care in designing each dimension with its own unique look and feel. Whether you’re exploring a dark and gritty […]
Video games are a form of entertainment that many people enjoy. It is a form of interactive entertainment where players control some aspect of the game by inputting commands with a controller, keyboard, or other input devices. Over the past few decades, video games have evolved from being an entertainment option to a multi-billion dollar […]
You can think of virality as a referral mechanism. It aims to let the existing users of the game bring in more users via referrals. This is mainly done to keep the user acquisition costs low and increase the viral coefficient (the K-factor). But virality features of video game design must be natural, captivating, and […]
Artificial Intelligence was nothing more than fiction around 10-15 years ago. But now A.I. has finally become a reality and is being extensively used by game developers. You can see that in the games like F.E.A.R. or in The Last of Us. If implemented correctly, A.I. is capable of performing operations as we humans do. […]
Video game development is an intricate process. Be it the simple Disco Elysium or the complex multiplayer online game Black Desert Online, all video games become a reality after going through different stages of development. 7 Crucial Stages in Video Game Development: The inevitable stages Stage 1: The Planning process: Once an idea for a […]
What is User Interface? Before we see how video game UI or User Interface evolved, let’s check what’s user interface in video games in the first place. You can consider the User Interface as one of the most important yet underrated parts of game development. UI is how a player interacts and receives feedback from […]
If you’re a big fan of online video games, you would have definitely watched a live stream video of some popular games. The fact that video game live streaming is out of scope is a thing of the past. Because earlier, people were busy playing single-player offline games. Change that was around the corner: But […]
One of the critical aspects of game development companies is determining the right programming language and platform for development. A game that you develop in a certain programming language might not be able to operate on a specific platform. Developing video games that can seamlessly be transported to and executable on cross-platform devices is a […]